GlobalSim 向坦桑尼亚的达累斯萨拉姆海事研究所 (DMI) 提供模拟器。

GlobalSim is pleased to announce that it has recently contracted with E1 Limited of Tanzania to deliver a Full Mission and two Entry Level simulators to the Dar es Salaam Maritime Institute of Tanzania. The Full Mission simulator heading to Tanzania will have interchangeable functionality to train equipment operators on STS, RTG, MHC, RS, ECH, FL.  The system includes a proprietary motion base that will provide accurate full-cab motion and haptics specific to each crane model.   The Entry Level systems will run in VR: STS, RTG, and Ship Pedestal. The GlobalSim Full Mission and Entry Level simulators are currently being constructed and tested at GlobalSim headquarters near Salt Lake City, UT. They are scheduled for final testing and installation by late 2022. 关于 GlobalSim: GlobalSim, Inc. 是一家专门开发和制造高端模拟器的员工所有制公司。作为全球公认的起重机模拟器领先供应商,GlobalSim 专注于为港口、建筑、工业和军事市场开发培训系统。 关于达累斯萨拉姆海事研究所: DMI is the leading Centre in Maritime education, training, research, and consultancy in Tanzania.  The Institute was established by Act of Parliament No. 22 of 1991 to cater to the greater needs of the Shipping Industry in the region.