Archivos del Autor: GlobalSim

GlobalSim and MEA Complete Major Upgrade for 3 Training Simulators

GlobalSim and Maritime Employers Association (MEA) based in Montréal, Québec, Canada announce a major upgrade [...]

GlobalSim Contracts to Provide Multiple Simulators in Latin America

GlobalSim had a successful showing at TOC Europe then delivered a new Full Mission simulator [...]

New VR Overhead Crane Integration with Meta Quest 3

GlobalSim has integrated the Meta Quest 3 into its simulator training module for overhead cranes.

GlobalSim Introduces Crane Simulation Training Center at Vietnam Conference

GlobalSim successfully introduced the Huynh Thy Crane Simulation Training Center (HSTC). The training center includes [...]

Full Mission System Delivered to ECT Following Successful Exhibition at TOC Europe

GlobalSim had a successful showing at TOC Europe then delivered a new Full Mission simulator [...]

4 preguntas que hacer al comprar un simulador de grúa

Comprar o actualizar un simulador de grúa no tiene por qué ser un proceso complicado. Hay [...]

GlobalSim entregará un simulador de grúa de misión completa a Vietnam

GlobalSim se complace en anunciar un proyecto con Huynh Thy Trading Services Company (HTC) para [...]

Felices fiestas: resumen anual de 2022

GlobalSim les desea a todos una Feliz Navidad y una feliz temporada navideña. 2022 fue un año exitoso [...]
